The measure of how far the American left will go to press its phony “hate” narrative can be found in five statements about the grand jury’s sound decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson for shooting and killing black teenager Michael Brown, the thief whom Wilson tried to stop for robbing a convenience store. Brown attacked Wilson. Wilson shot him.

The first passage comes from the leftist Salon:

There is no such thing as justice for a dead 18-year-old kid. Justice, to borrow from Mychal Denzel Smith, would mean Mike Brown gets home on that sweltering summer day. Justice would mean a future for Brown, a long stream of years to be spent however he would have spent them.

The possibility of justice for Mike Brown died with him back in August.

What we had before us with the grand jury hearing was the prospect of fairness, imperfectly defined in a terribly broken and racist system. And here that would have meant a white police officer standing trial for killing an unarmed black kid. It would have meant that 12 people walked into a room and decided, together, that an 18-year-old did not deserve to die because a cop told him to get on the sidewalk, and that Darren Wilson deserved to face a jury of his peers for putting six bullets into Brown’s arms and head.

The second comes from The Southern Poverty Law Center:

Should a state grand jury have indicted Officer Darren Wilson for killing Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, on Aug. 9? What’s publicly known, of course, suggests that there was probable cause to believe that a crime occurred. But we’re in no position to second-guess a group of citizens who have had access to much more information than we have had.

The third comes from Slate:

[I]f nothing else, an indictment would show that Brown’s life mattered….

It would have been powerful to see charges filed against Darren Wilson. At the same time, actual justice for Michael Brown — a world in which young men like Michael Brown can’t be gunned down without consequences — won’t come from the criminal justice system. Our courts and juries aren’t impartial arbiters — they exist inside society, not outside of it—and they can only provide as much justice as society is willing to give.

The fourth comes from Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus.

The Ferguson grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown is a miscarriage of justice. It is a slap in the face to Americans nationwide who continue to hope and believe that justice will prevail.

This decision seems to underscore an unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value; that you may kill Black men in this country without consequences or repercussions. This is a frightening narrative for every parent and guardian of Black and brown children, and another setback for race relations in America.

The fifth comes from President Barack Hussein Obama:

It’s an outcome that, either way, was going to be subject of intense disagreement not only in Ferguson, but across America. …

First and foremost, we are a nation built on the rule of law. And so we need to accept that this decision was the grand jury’s to make. There are Americans who agree with it, and there are Americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. It’s an understandable reaction.

These five leftists know why Wilson shot Brown. They surely read the stories about the autopsy, which proved that Wilson told the truth, and they surely have read the stories about the evidence the grand jury heard. That evidence, which included statements from black witnesses who defended Wilson, proved that he defended himself from a 6-foot-4-inch, 300-pound monster trying to kill him. Even The Washington Post and The New York Times admitted the truth.

This wasn’t a case of a “white police officer [not] standing trial for killing an unarmed black kid.” There was never “probable cause to believe a crime occurred.” This isn’t “a world in which young men like Michael Brown [can] be gunned down without consequences.” The decision was not a “miscarriage of justice,” and it does not “underscore unwritten rule that Black lives hold no value; that you may kill Black men in this country without consequences or repercussions.” It should not “be a subject of intense disagreement” and anger about the decision is not “an understandable reaction.”

Brown attacked Wilson. Wilson defended himself. The individual who needed justice was Officer Darren Wilson. A grand jury, which included three blacks, gave it to him.

The five statements in question are not just wrong. They are lies. Those who told them know it. They know they lied when they claimed Wilson shot Brown for no other reason than that Brown was black.

It is here, not in the left’s wild-eyed fantasies, that the real hate lies.