The on-air resignation of RT (the station formerly known as Russia Today) anchor Liz Wahl (I guess young journalists are too hip to use their full names anymore) made tsunami waves in the American media. The mainstream networks and journalists, caught up in a perfect storm of anti-Russian hysteria, were ecstatic. She was interviewed by Stephen Colbert and Anderson Cooper. Amanda Carpenter, a former Washington Times columnist who now works for Sen. Ted Cruz gushed that “Liz Wahl is proud to be an American and in the last five minutes I think she made everyone else proud to be one, too.”

In reality, Wahl’s famous resignation appears to be the result of a (surprise!) neocon campaign orchestrated by James Kirchick. Kirchick, is a fellow with the neocon Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and a militant homosexual activist who previously went into hysterics over Russia’s anti-homosexual propaganda law.

Last August, the fashionably flamboyant Kirchick appeared on RT wearing rainbow colored suspenders and fumed that “Being here on a Kremlin-funded propaganda network, I’m going to wear my gay pride suspenders and I’m going to speak out against the horrific anti-gay legislation that Vladimir Putin has signed into law”. Right after the interview, Kirchick admitted that “I only go on that station to f*** with the Russians”. Classy.

Along with Kirchick, the neocon Foreign Policy Initiative, founded by Bill Kristol, Dan Senor, and Robert Kagan orchestrated the whole shabby spectacle. In case you did not know, Kagan is married to that pro-Maidan harpy Victoria “F*** the EU” Nuland (What is it with neocons and sexual intercourse-related profanity?).

FPI staffers knew about Wahl’s impending resignation in advance and using Twitter, advised people to “tune in to RT” minutes before. Kirchick’s interview with the Beltway’s new anti-Putin heroine appeared only an hour after her resignation. Smells like neoconnery to me.

Not that RT suffered a great loss when Liz Wahl resigned. Her resignation statement demonstrated her incapability to speak grammatically correct English:

“My partner is a physician at a military base where he sees every day the first-hand accounts of the ultimate prices [sic] that people pay for this country”

Now, I was under the impression that one cannot see first-hand accounts, which could only be read or watched, or listened to. I also thought that people pay the ultimate price (one’s life), not prices. But what do I know? Unlike the case with Liz Wahl, English is my second language.